Friday, January 29, 2016

Rendered Helpless

Album:Unstoppable Parasites
Artist:Rendered Helpless
Song:From Beneath and the Void
Year:January 29 2016
Genre:Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Country:Christchurch, New Zealand
Label:Rendered Helpless

© 2016 All rights reserved by Rendered Helpless

Rendered Helpless:

Tracks For The Full Album

2-Habitual Genocide
3-Chaotic Defilement
4-Unstoppable Parasites (Ft. Jae Hulbert)
5-Heinous Extremity Disfiguration
6-Torturous Draining of Bodily Fluids
7-Pulverised Civilian Casualties (Ft. Kieran Bircher)
8-Cause and Incapability
9-Forsake Insanity

Bands Records:Alexander Paul - Guitar, Bass,
Vocals, Drum Programming.

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